Towards a New Peer Review Concept for Scientific Computing ensuring Technical Quality, Software Sustainability, and Result Reproducibility

TitleTowards a New Peer Review Concept for Scientific Computing ensuring Technical Quality, Software Sustainability, and Result Reproducibility
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAnzt, H., T. Cojean, and E. Kuhn
JournalProceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Date Published2019-11

In this position paper we argue for implementing an alternative peer review process for scientific computing contributions that promotes high quality scientific software developments as fully‐recognized conference submission. The idea is based on leveraging the code reviewers' feedback on scientific software contributions to community software developments as a third‐party review involvement. Providing open access to this technical review would complement the scientific review of the contribution, efficiently reduce the workload of the undisclosed reviewers, improve the algorithm implementation quality and software sustainability, and ensure full reproducibility of the reported results. Using this process creates incentives to publish scientific algorithms in open source software – instead of designing prototype algorithms with the unique purpose of publishing a paper. In addition, the comments and suggestions of the community being archived in the versioning control systems ensure that also community reviewers are receiving credit for the review contributions – unlike reviewers in the traditional peer review process. Finally, it reflects the particularity of the scientific computing community using conferences rather than journals as the main publication venue.

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